The Development & Planning Act was created to regulate all forms of physical development including the use of lands/buildings in the Cayman Islands.
The Code Compliance (Development Enforcement) Section is tasked with investigating suspected breaches of the Planning Act and deciding on the relevant actions to take to remedy these breaches.
Planning Breaches
We can investigate, include (but are not limited to):
- House additions (including porches/patios)
- Sheds
- Change of use of a land/building (i.e. garages changed to apartments or houses changed to apartments/duplexes)
- Land clearing
- Walls/fences built within roadside setback or above the permitted height of 4 ft
- Buildings being built not in accordance with approved plans
- Placement of certain signs
- Untidy condition of land due to derelict vehicles, etc.
Planning breaches that we cannot investigate, include (but are not limited to):
- Development that has existed 5 years or more.
- Encroachment/boundary disputes.
- Neighbor/covenant disputes.
- Overgrown properties.
- Noise complaints.
- Obstruction of a road/right-of-way.
- Internal works (unless it affects the use of the building or materially affects the external appearance).

Filing a Complaint
If you would like to submit a complaint about a possible breach of the Development and Planning Act, please click on the link below and complete the form. You will be asked for a description of the violation, block & parcel number, address and photographs (if available). Please provide as much information you can about the alleged breach.
Note: Before making a complaint, please refer to the above list on what we can and cannot investigate. Also, please visit our the CPA section of our website to take a look at our CPA meetings list and planning notices (which are updated regularly) to see if any applications have been made for the Block & Parcel/Address you intend to make a complaint on.