The Development Plan utilizes text and graphics to set out policies that guide physical development and help manage growth in the Cayman Islands.

Development Plan
The general aim of the plan is to maintain and enhance the quality of life in the Cayman Islands by effectively directing development as to safeguard the economic, cultural, social and general welfare of the people, and subject thereto the environment.
Planning Considerations – population trends, land availability, ecology, freshwater supplies, sewerage and sewage disposal and other material consideration
Planning Policy – Residential Development Zones, Commercial Development Zones, Tourism Development Zones, Road Requirements, Subdivision of Land, etc.
zoning map
Accessing Documents
A major component of the Development Plan is the Zoning Map, which ties land use to areas of the island graphically and dictates the types of structures that can be placed in those areas. The zones and overlays correspond to text laid out in the Development and Planning Regulations and the Development Plan that deal with minimum lot size, setback distances, maximum building heights and building site coverage, amongst other things.
Development Maps are available for purchase in three sizes (see below). All maps come with a copy of the Development Plan Planning Statement. To obtain your map and statement, please contact the Planning Department via phone (345) 244-6501 or email to request your copy.

11″ x 17″

24″ x 36″

36″ x 63″