Important Information Regarding Serving of Notices

Effective Date: January 20, 2022

Important information regarding the serving of notices per Section 15(4), Regulation 8(12A, 12B and 12C) and 8(13)(b)

  1. Per Regulation 8(12A), please ensure to use the updated notice form as provided by the Director of Planning. You can find the form on our website (planning.ky) under the Plan tab/Application Infosheets and if you are utilizing Lands and Survey services they also have the correct form. If an incorrect form is used, the notices will not be accepted.
  2. Please be advised that the required notices and registered mail slips must be uploaded to OPS no more than 3 days after the date of the mails slips otherwise the notices will have to be re-served.
  3. The reason for item 2 is that until the notices and mail slips are uploaded to OPS we cannot post the plans for review on our website. We are finding in many instances the statutory 21 day commenting period has expired by the time the required documents are uploaded. This scenario denies adjacent land owners their legal right to view the plans and provide comments. As such, re-notification is required per item 2.