Information & Requirements
Plumbers Licence
Plumbers in the Cayman Islands are required to be licensed by the Department of Planning. The Builders Board oversees the registration of the business entities and qualified individuals as Plumbers in the Cayman Islands. The Builders Board meets regularly to consider applications for registration. View Policy for Plumber’s Licensing.
Minimum Insurance Coverage -> $200.00
Application Fee -> $75.00
Exam Criteria -> National Trade Contractor

Getting Started …
There are three categories of plumbers: Apprentice, Journeyman and Master.
Apprentice Plumbers are required to work under the supervision of a Journeyman or Master Plumber. Please see Apprentice Plumber's Licence Application.
Journeyman and Master Plumbers are required to sit the written exam administered by the Department. Please see Exam Application for Journeyman or Master Plumber's Licence.
Please submit your completed application along with any additional documents and required fees to the Department of Planning via the Planning Cashier located on the Ground Floor of the Government Building.